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@dvl Can you get a network sniffer on this? my guess, is that it is not listening on HTTP (migrated to HTTPS?).. or HTTPS and they changed their crypto with a new cert with a root cert it doesn't support, or crypto algorithm it doesn't support (SSL, TLS1.1, etc)

Maybe moved their files and paths.

Can you download locally and self-host?

@darkosubotica IIgs! awesome, I have one right next to me right now running!

I may still have #COVID, but I'm starting 2023's #HardenedBSD hacking
strong! Lots of goodies baking in the oven.

@gavininny @phen314 *gavin has entered the chat*.

Gavin, awesome to hear from you. I like the 'small town' feel that mastodon has, it is like when twitter started, and you cold still really connect with people

@phen314 Inkjets are like THE WORST EVAH. I have thrown away so many inkjet ink cartridges and printers because the ink dries up and cakes in the heads, tubing, etc.

I print rarely, which is good. When I want to print I want it to WORK. I don't want to need to remember to do maintenance prints.

Super happy with my laser (and scanner too!) and I will suck it up and buy the $1k worth of toner.

I hope I get at least half as many years from it that I got from the LaserJet 4p it replaced.

@phen314 I know, it is great. BUT. The toners for a full set is still thousands of dollars. So maybe they went for a razors and blades model

when you need to fix something on a legacy project

@lattera Ooof. Had you had C19 before? your earlier post mentioned something that took you out for like a month before.

CTRL - SALT - DELETE. One of the new names for one of our city snow plows #hamont

@masto Stuck between monitors? When I drag safari windows and I see 99% of the window on screen 2 I let go.. but it only matters where the cursor was when I let go, and there can be a tiny sliver of the window left somewhere obnoxious on the other screen (below the dock), and that's where it went

i have no idea how many different pythons i have in my computer. probably across 2 desktops, 2 laptops, and a server, theres like 80 different pythons. sssssss. i type in python and god knows whats going to happen. theyre all wriggling around in there. sssss. what is it? three point ssssseven? three point ten point sssssix? who knows? sssss. sorry you cant quit. usssse quit() or Ctrl-Z plusssss return to exssssit

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Cross Family's Mastodon

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