@phen314 Inkjets are like THE WORST EVAH. I have thrown away so many inkjet ink cartridges and printers because the ink dries up and cakes in the heads, tubing, etc.
I print rarely, which is good. When I want to print I want it to WORK. I don't want to need to remember to do maintenance prints.
Super happy with my laser (and scanner too!) and I will suck it up and buy the $1k worth of toner.
I hope I get at least half as many years from it that I got from the LaserJet 4p it replaced.
@gavininny @phen314 *gavin has entered the chat*.
Gavin, awesome to hear from you. I like the 'small town' feel that mastodon has, it is like when twitter started, and you cold still really connect with people
@david @phen314 100% agreed. Don’t feel the need to check it compulsively, and when I do, it is valuable.