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Ugh. Was pretty sick over the weekend with a pretty nasty stomach infection, and while I am better now, everything tastes weird.

Hey, look who's #1 in the "Unix" category!

This toot will age badly...

@bcallah hey. Now that you’re back and local let’s get going again!

Just finished watching tonight’s

Wow. Seriously good SciFi. Still in shock over that episode

I was wondering if there was a book on systemd that I could read to learn more about it and uh

The best thing to happen to my fiction career to date: 



@mwlucas looks like you’re about to have another surge in Savaged by Systemd orders

Full 12 days reinstall. Postgres 11. All new. Woof. uws continues to suck (openssl 1.1 incompatibilities)

I feel like we need a mesh backup system. Each friend or family member sets up a node in their house for backups, but your node doesn't store *your* backups. It stores everyone else's backups. Then everyone has off-site backups. :flan_hurrah:

Something as simple as friend codes or something to join a mesh. Something simple. If it needs a sysadmin, try again.

Yes, there are plenty of details I hand-waved over. :flan_bkmage: Encryption, enforcing fairness, etc.

ugen1.2: <Option N.V. Globetrotter HSDPA Modem> at usbus1
uhso0 on uhub5
uhso0: <Network port> at <Option N.V. Globetrotter HSDPA Modem> on uhub5
uhso1 on uhub5
uhso1: <Diagnostic port> at <Option N.V. Globetrotter HSDPA Modem> on uhub5
uhso2 on uhub5
uhso2: <Modem port> at <Option N.V. Globetrotter HSDPA Modem> on uhub5

HURRAAH! MY #ACPI hacks for #VAIO works!!!!

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