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The #FreeBSD #Mastodon package has been upgraded to version 1.6.0. Installing and upgrading will be easier now.



Thank you to @saper for his upstream node patches and general node support.

Thank you to all the Mastodon developers.

Ok. Apparently this broke longer ago than I thought. esp_* used to set klen and key on the crypto op structure, but now apparently expects those to be saved as part of the crypto session structure (which is device specific, and apparently does not always save these). Not sure if the fix is to have hifn preserve or to have esp repopulate them 🤔

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Ok peeps. Before i go diving toooo deep into kernel code, can anyone think why the hifn crypto card stopped working in 11.1? The driver itself hasn't changed in forever, the specific failure I am seeing cannot be hardware related (its a software assert)

I love the way we've architected HardenedBSD's features.

I just set up GitLab in a jail. GitLab causes ruby23 to mprotect(RW -> RX), which is a violation of the strict default W^X policy in HardenedBSD.

So, I set up secadm in the jail to disable mprotect restrictions just for ruby23 in the jail. GitLab is happy again.

ruby23 in the host is still fully restricted.

This is exactly how exploit mitigations should be developed. We've done a spectacular job in #HardenedBSD.

#FreeBSD #infosec

When you think you have seen the worst of systemd, the ugly beats just raises its head and bite you…


Sometimes a passphrase-less ssh key for committing to a subversion repository is just what you need.

in the late 90s, i used a #hypercard stack to maintain a website. recently the domain name became available again, so i bought it and reuploaded the old site.

the whole thing is static HTML, generated with data i kept in hypercard. i haven't changed any of the html/css since then so it looks especially bad now, heh

anyway it's here if you're curious: complete with splash screen, lol

Just upgraded my #FreeBSD jail from 1.5 rc2 to 1.5. Smooth as can be and right back up. :^)

MASTODON AGE POLL, please boost, and answer, or lie, or don't answer, or don't boost !!!!

Clearance holders warning.

CIA malware specifically targeting #FreeBSD:

Even though it's an old document, I'm sure that the CIA is likely still targeting FreeBSD.

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Cross Family's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!