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woow woow woow

Pwnie for Lamest Vendor Response

Awarded to the vendor who mis-handled a security vulnerability most spectacularly.

SystemD bugs 5998, 6225, 6214, 5144, 6237

Credit: Lennart Poettering


@Strog @lattera I've been using multiple layers of ROT13 for a while, but I've had interoperability issues with odd-numbered ROT13, and I'm worried about attacks when the number of layers is a power of 2.

Should I use 6 layers of ROT13?

Also, what's the recommended way to deal with binary data?
Currently, I base64 it, then 6 × ROT13, then de-base64 it.

#OpenJDK 8 on #HardenedBSD will now be compiled as a Position-Independent Executable (PIE).

I'd like to thank #FreeBSD for supporting the #RPI3. Having such a physically portable system has been a tremendous help with some of my projects. I wouldn't have been able to do those projects without the selfless dedication of the FreeBSD community.

Federation report: in the last 1/2 hour we received 5259 toots from 164 instances. can see at the moment 41.37% of the network statuses and is connected to 1919/1512 instances.

Has anyone tried to get A #CVE for #SystemD? I mean, not for a vulnerability in SystemD, but for SystemD itself.


"systemd and Where We Want to Take the Basic Linux Userspace in 2016"

"Places we're NOT taking it include "Interoperability City," "Lake Reliability," and "The People's Republic of Sanity"."


@Gargron @KitRedgrave
Yes, systemd has democratized a whole bunch of good practices that some/many (?) people were previously ignoring.

OTOH, it has terrible design, with a sprawling mass of new deamons that are functionally-worse rewrites of existing stuff (networking, DNS resolution, NTP, ...) and tightly coupled to the init+service-manger.

Even the latter has pretty crucial features missing:

TIL `ssh-keygen -R HOST` to remove an invalid key from ~/.ssh/known_hosts ! :D

Tomorrow, I'll be MFC'ing all the #StackClash fixes from #HardenedBSD 12-CURRENT to 11-STABLE. I'll also write up a blog post about how we've decided to mitigate it.

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