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cursing, DNS Over Clown (DoC) 

@florian they may be using the rrsig as a way to detect the fuckery. However this REALLY begs the question. Cannot all of the “bad” people they say they are protecting you against just add this to their zones and disable this 🐛 (“feature”)

Full disk encryption gives peace of mind if your computer goes missing and reduces anxiety about throwing out old hard drives or computers.

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@lattera would that be different than attempting to compel a locksmith to open a regular lock? I wouldn’t think so (IANAL). But in that case, even if they did, it would be inadmissible (IANAL)

Not sure what's going on today but my TL has a lot of folks complaining about and looking down on other people because they chose different tools and processes to get their job done.

So it's time for the PSA that it's really none of your business what tools people use to complete their tasks, whether at work or especially at home. At work, if they're getting their job done, what does it matter if they're using an IDE or remote editing or working solely in docker? What does it matter if they're using vim with lots of plugins or with none?

So dial it back a bit, eh?

E-mail deals with spam using Bayesian filters or machine learning. The more training data there is, the more accurate the results, a monolith like GMail benefits from this greatly. Mastodon's decentralization means everyone has separate training data, and starts from scratch, which means high inaccuracy. It also means someone spamming a username could potentially lead to any mention of that username be considered spam due to the low overall volume of data, unless you strip usernames


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If you've read #fmjail: a review on Amazon or your favorite bookstore would help me out.

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Cross Family's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!