I posted earlier today a poll about AI Art because I wanted the feedback of my followers (the post was limited to them). The 775 results (picture under) and the replies helped me:

I'll not use AI Art on Pepper&Carrot.

At least, not as it is done now: with all copyright issues (I also don't think these issues will be ever addressed correctly, TBH).

Time to move on now and continue to make human art.
Thank you very much for your feedback in my times of doubt :blobcatheart: .


@davidrevoy Something that could be interesting is the use of AI on your art, with an AI trained on your art, and only your art (and that would address your copyright and moral issues as well)

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@david Very true, and I tried to have a look at how to do that. But I quickly saw it would take me a lot of time , disk space, and CPU time only to get a smart collage (because my sample being not billions of images, but hundreds, maximum a thousand). I'll also would have to provide description for each picture. Well, I think it's at this point my laziness just quick-in and I abandoned the idea. Maybe something for the future if it get simpler. 🙂

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