So, Amazon is tired of paying USPS/Fedex/whoever to deliver things and has formed their "Amazon Logistics" department.

They use Bing maps. Bing maps tells the driver to use a closed bridge to get to my house. So, my package is days late. The last "attempt" had them mark my house inaccessible from an entire town away.

@kurtm sounds like more Silicon Valley (yes i know Amazon is in Seattle) “we know better” hubris. Oh wait, these problems are actually hard?!?

@david @kurtm out of curiosity, can you try routing to your house using OpenStreetMaps?

If it doesn't work, please edit the map :)


@thinkMoult @kurtm Hah, funny you should ask; I am an OSM contributor; and have a full planet (albeit sans history), on my local server.. so.. yeah, my house routes 😀

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