What means or is #selfhosting for you?

I think most ones will identify this with simply running something on their own system, that is under their own control. But is this enough? For data sovereignty probably…

- Is that really enough?
- What about everything else? What about the infrastructure?
- Should you run your own ntp, dns etc?
- What about your provider? Simply getting an IP assigned from your provider or become yourself an ISP?

Where does it start and where does it end?

#fediverse #homelab #hosting #isp #network #isp #provider #hosting #freebsd #linux #bgp #subnet #ipv6 #proxmox #bhyve #lab #spielwiese #infrastructure #control


@gyptazy For me? I run my own infrastructure, stratum 1 NTP, my own DNS (DNSSEC even!), I have network diverse redundant DNS (where I control all endpoints). I run my own, email, web, etc.

I run my own CA, with OSCP and CRL.

I'd LOVE to have my own real IPs; but that is prohibitively difficult. So that's where I draw the line; the rest is relatively easy.

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Thanks for your feedback and I’m fully with you :) can clearly understand this.


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