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I figured I would chronicle my latest journey here, because I know some people will get a kick out it it. The theme: Retro computing with a side of data recovery.. or is that data recovery with a side of retro computing..... first in a series 🧵

ugh, so apparently geli IVs are host endian specific. well, that is going to complicate things.

Ok. So I guess i need to explain it. The car’s license plate begins ARJ. Which is a compression standard. Get it? Compact Car 🤣. Thank you

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medical, TMI! 

just irrigated my ears to remove some earwax.. zomg the chunks that came out... but now I have super hearing!

“Welcome to the App Store” :smug:
(It’s not live yet, but stay tuned)

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I'd like to announce my new book, a nonfiction work titled:

Your Device Will Restart Outside of Active Hours and Other Lies My Computer Told Me

text messages with gifs are the new singing greeting card. But actually sweet and well received (at least by me!)

pulled lower back muscle is some of the most debilitating intense pain I have felt. Not sure if that is more a commentary on me or the level of pain.

#TIL The #Brainfuck programming language has a dialect called "I use Arch, btw". In this dialect, the original symbols are replaced with "I", "use", "arch", "linux", "btw", "by", "the", "way". #Arch #ArchLinux

This is a "Hello World!" example:

arch the i the use linux the way i arch the i arch arch arch i the arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch i way the i way linux the use way i linux way way arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch arch use way i i i i i i linux linux linux linux btw use use arch arch arch btw use linux btw btw arch arch arch btw use linux btw i i i btw use use btw arch arch arch btw linux linux linux linux linux linux btw i linux btw use use arch btw use btw

That uneasy feeling that something is wrong.. and you just cannot place what it is yet.

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