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Went out tonight and ate in the outdoor patio of a restaurant tonight. Wore mask when it was reasonable (that whole eating and drinking thing). Was anxious and checking my space the entire time

Is it me or has the fediverse seemed more quiet lately?

now that pine64 is selling replacement parts for the pinephone on their website, you can actually build your own pinephone and appears to be about two dollars compared to the fully assembled, tested, and warrantied product, so maybe don't do that.

COVID19, nuclear take 

Okay, humanity is doomed, COVID19 just won the pandemic. 😂

*puts feet on table, slouches back, lights a cigar and finally relaxes*


from Katie Mack ( on other media:

[Cake voice]

We stay alone (ALL ALONE), for our friends in their time of NEED

Because WHO’s racing, and pacing, to flatten the curve
Docs fighting, and guiding, and keeping up their nerve
We’re keeping our distance
(Aaaa, ahhh)

The fediverse seems so much more lively with all
of the social distancing!

Every so often I get this weird feeling that things aren’t quite ‘right’. It’s like I have a memory of how things are supposed to be. But I cannot quite remember it.

I also formatted my resume for my line printer. Going to take a couple of copies to my interview.

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Cross Family's Mastodon

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