@TheKinrar hey. What do i do if i don’t have the password for my instance for the admin ui on instances.social?
@eurasierboy just a quick question, are there any plans to get the new emoticons into the app?
Just in time for tomorrow’s talk, laptop stickers arrived! #freebsd
Partisans for the term "GNU/Linux" instead of just "Linux" are 1% informed on the matter and 99% "RMS said so", although they believe it to be the opposite.
I guess I can't blame them for RMS being influential. But I do blame RMS for being salty about the future that wasn't his being "stolen" instead of just accepting it like an adult.
(manual re-toot from birdsite)
#AWS #OpenBSD AMIs on eu-west-1 by https://twitter.com/ajacoutot:
current => ami-d1875ea8
6.2 => ami-ec904395
6.1 (don't use!) => ami-17110571
Yes it's "ec2-user@$ip" and you can doas(1) all you want...
To improve the security of my severs, I'm generating my own moduli file. Having a different one from others makes certain precomputed attacks more difficult.
for i in 2048 3072 4096 6144 7680 8192 ; do ssh-keygen -G moduli-${i}.candidates -b $i; done
for i in 2048 3072 4096 6144 7680 8192 ; do ssh-keygen -T moduli-${i} -f moduli-${i}.candidates; done
cat moduli-???? > moduli; mv moduli /etc/moduli
This will take a few days....
@kurtm @kellerfuchs and to be perfectly clear: we coordinated with the original author on our commit in August.
That the author regrets that choice is 1) not our problem, and 2) not our responsibility.
it is completely inappropriate that he singled out #OpenBSD, when e.g. Mikrotik also stealth published before hands.
@kellerfuchs @phessler Or maybe just not moving the goal posts on disclosure? #OpenBSD *did* honor the original embargo. They did not agree to another extension. Even so, they left out parts of the patch that explained it until the extension ended.
Good grief. Internal team at Microsoft has been trying to port OpenSSH to Windows for over two years now.
This latest 2 year stretch is their third attempt. 3RD ATTEMPT.
No wonder none of the alternatives out there seem able to pull it off reliably. Mind you, the alternatives all seem to be able to do the server listening to a port part well enough. It's verifying passwords and/or UX they can't manage.
Still, Microsoft is two years into their third attempt to do this.
FreeBSD enthusiast and regular contributor. I have opinions!