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ugh, massive power outage yesterday, took out 10k people for a few hours, and my home network for longer 📉

Every so often mastodon federation seems to stop, and I need to make a post to see certain servers again...

@a2_4am Hello, huge fan of your efforts. Just learned you moved over to mastodon (yes, I am behind the times, but I don't use twitter much anymore either!) anyway, welcome and thank you!

Hmm... latest mastodon server seems to crash (reliably) amaroq. Guess it is the official iOS app then... it was a good run amaroq! @eurasierboy

yeah.. and sidekiq is working again too 🤦‍♂️ .. self inflicted injury

This is worth sharing.

It's an animated GIF where every frame is a valid QR code that leads to the "Never Gonna Give You Up" rickroll.

That's kind of amazing.

@HardenedBSD What is your preferred way to get donations? The paypal link?

I just watch #FreeBSD ports making software. This "package" manager looks damn simple. I love that.

foo depends on bar
bar not found
lets make bar
foo depends on bar
bar found
foo depends on fizz
fizz not found
lets make fizz
fizz depends of hjkl
hjkl not found
lets make hjkl

Make everything as simple as possible. 🥰

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Cross Family's Mastodon

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!