Saw this on twitter (@ryanrwinchester) and I couldn't help posting it here; really sums up my hate of colored languages.

@stefano @kasperd @oxyhyxo ditto. Self host here across a few different areas. Zero issues. AND I don't need to worry about getting cut off because my account gets stolen, compromised, credit card gets stolen,etc. etc. etc.

And it takes SO LITTLE TIME.

Sovereign Tech Fund to Invest €686,400 in FreeBSD Infrastructure Modernization – @FreeBSDFoundation



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@LilahTovMoon I would say it also implies the existence if ViQueens (which sounds pretty cool!) and EmaKings (and respectfully I'd suggest changing the spelling to EmaQueens).. which also sounds pretty cool!

Just kicked the hornets nest a bit with 3 Phabricator reviews that haven't moved in months. 😡

@chuck I think this is almost certainly impossible at that level; for example you could binary search to extract data; but pure calculation, I think could be achieved with the right system; and you don't need many basic operations to then be able to do 'everything' that is closed form.

@chuck You wouldn't need the plaintext or the key to do this, and you wouldn't gain any other information.

The goal and the hunt is to identify and create crypto systems and mathematical operations you can perform on them to do useful work.

If you can create a system where you have a full algebra available to you in a Turing compete way, then you can do 'anything'.

@chuck I can try :)

Basically with certain cryptographic systems you can perform certain operations on the crypto stream that would have a predictable effect on the plaintext stream that doesn't require you to know the key.

As a really simple example, say you had an xor based stream cipher (RC4 for a concrete example), and you have the additional requirement that everything in the cipher is alphabetic. You could toggle the case of the entire ciphertext with just XORing the whole with 0x20.

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