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Using #Poudriere on #FreeBSD?

These screen hosts show the soon-to-be-released data you can display within @LibreNMS using snmpd.

I hope these scale well.

I’ve fired up my Commander X16. Time to do SCIENCE!

@puppygirlhornypost @stefano freebsd uses the linux graphics drivers via a KPI (kernel programming interface) translation framework that also lets it use things like wifi drivers. Think like the ndisulator

Do/Have you used a CD/DVD/Bluray in a while?

What about burning a disk?

I'm surveying modern day awareness/usage of optical media, mostly to confirm some demographic theories, so if you know what a CD/DVD is, please help me (and maybe others) out by answering some ~10 questions here:

And then please boost for better visibility! Thank you!

...and back after long power outage and recovery :\

@joel I have had similar experiences, there may be multiple mixer settings at play; if you open a terminal window and just type 'mixer' you can see all of them; at least on my system "vol" "pcm" "speaker" come into play, "vol" is the one that tends to be controlled by the UI,, but the others feed into it.

@joel :freebsd: awesome; do you know if it is just firefox (like audio output/library issue) or if ANY sound doesn't work?

Hey, #retrocomputing folks. Is there a common name for this category of wedge-shaped toggle switch, as found on the PDP-11/70 and other machines of that era?

How much do you drive on average?

Average male in the US between about 20-54 drives 18,500 per year, average family is about ~30,000 per year.

(which corresponds to roughly 74 to 120 miles/weekday)

@stefano Woah... I knew about SOME of that; like when running diskless from an NFS server.. but I never knew it was THAT easy on a system with a disk, and I've been running for 30 years

Picked up a new dad trick:

Every time I tell my child I'll explain something to her when she's older, I write it down. On her 18th birthday I will painstakingly explain every item on this list to her.

"In 2028 I made a joke about 'golden showers.' That means--"


@j @phen314 To note at least in my case the instance was primarily slow because of the concurrent number of connections; it wasn't CPU or IO or database constrained,I used up the max number of sockets allocated to the service and things had to wait in line behind slow connections; had I configured the proxy with a larger inbound connection pool I may have been fine; but that just potentially opens me up to a different kind of DDoS 🤷

If it happens more frequently I will try to tune it better.

@j @phen314 yes, if you post something that gets boosted a lot, or even just looked at a lot you'll get a LOT of traffic all of a sudden. I replied to a tech-connections post once and WOW, instance went non-responsive for a few minutes with the thundering herd of traffic

@stefano I *want* to say that didn't exist when I set up my instance in ~april 2017. I WANT to say that, because I remember looking VERY hard for that... but I see that document was created in ~may 2017, with the pull request on april 24, 2016 (about a week after I sett things up).. so it probably DID exist... but at least the PR says it was "poorly documented"

Oh well, as a single user instance, maybe I just nuke myself back to nothing

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