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Every so often I get this weird feeling that things aren’t quite ‘right’. It’s like I have a memory of how things are supposed to be. But I cannot quite remember it.

@phryk Yeah, it is very poor they still called it '12.0' .. either they should call it just '12', or they should have '12.0', '12.1', etc (especially with this breaking.. whatever it is)


@phryk single user mode from loader will bypass all of rc.conf

I also formatted my resume for my line printer. Going to take a couple of copies to my interview.

@phryk i had that happen when I used 12.0 compiled drm modules on a 12.1 kernel (and is now acknowledged in the 12.1 errata). (Well. The reboot. Not the rc.conf bit)

Star Trek Picard spoilers 

Ok. Watched Star Trek: Picard last night. The trope that we’ve created synthetic life forms that are indistinguishable from humans is overplayed at this point. Blade runner. Battlestar Galactica. The Matrix. I am forgetting some too.

And when exactly were these supposed to have been developed? At the end of Insurrection it wasn’t possible or even close. But decades before “now” they mastered it and had a rebellion and in the meantime some scientist made human ones.

repair guides, cursing 

@kurtm that’s because Haynes has a trademark on “replacement is the reverse of removal”

Shamelessly stollen from twitter:

toddlers are excellent at brute forcing

10 minutes of attempts:

mommy juice
mommy JUICE
mommy i want juice
mommy juice mommy
juice mommy
i want juice mommy

followed by:


@mwlucas hah. Our birthdays are pretty close. I too am sometimes awarded with excess festivities

@kurtm @mwlucas @florian @AFresh1 it is because the old cliché is true. The opposite of love isn’t hate, it is indifference. “Never” is an emotional response to something that somehow you feel you need to reject. Things that don’t appeal to you at some level you just don’t even think about

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