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@lattera Its amazing how many copy-leftists aren't actually copy-leftists!.. wait-wait-wait.. THEY can make money; where's mine!


@chuck welcome to the dark side :freebsd: we have 🍪

If anyone spots an #Amaroq clone that doesn’t disclose its source please let me know and/or report it to Apple for being in violation of MPL 2.0. Apparently there’s been a resurgence in dubious Amaroq lookalikes. Thanks 💕

@cokebot9000 i can only see that you follow me, but a total count of 3. So they have the default security set on this instance. I think that’s a good default, but you can change it if you want

@dvl I do; that I printed for myself; so not 100% sure about copyright, and they are a bit bigger than I wanted, and only 50 of them what does this mean? How can you see these statistics?

HTTPS-only is problematic 

@stephen while I agree that HTTPS everywhere is counterproductive in some areas, there does exist a solution to the problems of CAs. DANE

techpol, mozilla, cloudflare
The ultimate irony here however is that you’re using a federated alternative to a silo to be a booster for turning something that is federated into a silo.

The cherry on top is that it wont even do pretty much anything that mozilla says it will, and for the things it will (spoofing) there are existing open solutions (dnssec) this will break (make vulnerable)

techpol, mozilla, cloudflare No, you don’t. That’s the thing about DNS, its decentralized and federated by its very nature. There is in DNS no *single* point of failure. Well, until firefox does this. Now what happens when cloudflare goes down, or hostile regime blocks cloudflare, or cloudflare decides (again) that it doesn’t like some content, or cloudflare gets a court order against pirate bay (or whoever), or cloudflare gets a NSL?

@phryk if its running its probably creating and deleting lots of files, starting and stopping lots of compiler and make processes. Every file that’s deleted after being in cache or 250mb cc process that exits frees memory

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