
@stefano Hey. I have a question for you, your mastodon address is '' yet your mastodon service instance is How did you do that? I wanted to do that for my domain, but I couldn't (at the time)

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@david Hi! It's something you have to do when configuring the instance. It's just a matter of setting LOCAL_DOMAIN and WEB_DOMAIN (and some minor reverse proxy configurations), as described here:

"As with LOCAL_DOMAIN, WEB_DOMAIN cannot be safely changed once set, as this will confuse remote servers that know of your previous settings and may break communication with them or make it unreliable. As the issues lie with remote servers’ understanding of your accounts, re-installing Mastodon from scratch will not fix the issue. Therefore, please be extremely cautious when setting up LOCAL_DOMAIN and WEB_DOMAIN."

Well, 💩

@stefano I *want* to say that didn't exist when I set up my instance in ~april 2017. I WANT to say that, because I remember looking VERY hard for that... but I see that document was created in ~may 2017, with the pull request on april 24, 2016 (about a week after I sett things up).. so it probably DID exist... but at least the PR says it was "poorly documented"

Oh well, as a single user instance, maybe I just nuke myself back to nothing

@david While it's nice to have the domain name (without the mastodon.x.x), I don't think it's a big problem...people usually don't consider that. I consider it just something "cosmetic". More, I did it wrong at first, so people couldn't be found if omitting the "mastodon" ( - I fixed it months later 🙂 I must admit, that at least I don’t want to have the software name like mastodon or snac in MY url. I like to have just the same as an email, xmpp, matrix and fedi account url. I think especially when having intendedly a short url, this matters for people most. Sure, you can solve it to be still reachable by that address, but often clients will show the real url instead which also gets listed in replies etc.

Switching domains or whole software products is still a mess on the Fediverse - unfortunately
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