I have a ~225 line Perl script that I'll need to run a bunch of times. Back in the day we had perlcc, then Persistent Perl, but these seem to be gone. Is there a current replacement?

(Yes, yes, I know, C or python or Rust, whatever, fine: this is a serious question.) #sysadmin

poking @AFresh1

@mwlucas your goal is to avoid startup time for perl itself? How many times are you running it that modern hardware makes perl startup a problem. I mean, I know at work we have things that can take "a minute" to start, but normally that's not really a consideration anymore.

@mwlucas Now, I did look a bit at how to do that new CGI replacement, serverless functions or whatever, and there startup time can be a factor. So, although the FAQ says you're probably optimizing too soon,

I found "pp" that seems like a direct perlcc replacement, although I had trouble with some XS module I needed.

If you really want to go all out, the developer of rperl seems very excited about making perl faster.

@mwlucas so, I guess the question is, what is it you're trying to accomplish :-)

@mwlucas @florian @AFresh1 Careful, the book you just completed started as a "never".

I remember that at the restaurant I worked at years ago, the folks who made the biggest show of screaming "I will *never* work at this place *ever* again." were always the ones who came back.


@kurtm @mwlucas @florian @AFresh1 it is because the old cliché is true. The opposite of love isn’t hate, it is indifference. “Never” is an emotional response to something that somehow you feel you need to reject. Things that don’t appeal to you at some level you just don’t even think about

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