With a month passed since 2.5.0, I wonder if people would prefer me to dump the current progress in 2.6.0?

Out of 18 features planned for 2.6.0, 9 are done and 3 are almost done. The rest could be postponed to 2.7.0, if there is demand...

Before you ask, the roadmap can be viewed here: github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/


@Gargron features always go in a x.y.0 release. Bug fixes, critical updates, errata are for x.y.z release. For example having features mixed into a x.y.z release schedule is why i had to cherry-pick the account redirect loop out of the repo vs being able to just update

@david Semver is most meaningful for libraries, not end-user facing software

@david @Gargron Indeed, I'd suggest a 2.5.1 and then a 2.6 with the bunker mode and the account verification
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